As it is a Friday , and it’s Fridays I’m in Love

Fridays are the absolute best day of the week.

You leave behind a week full of accomplishments , or not – but they’re behind anyway , right ?

And you are looking forward to some “you” time being it with yourself , or your friends and family.

I know I have shared this song before , and you know that you only click if you feel like it , so I am not “making you” listen if you don’t really want to . (but this version has the lyrics 😉  )

Isn’t it strange how some songs – even if they are not great ones – get imprinted in your brain forever ? Maybe this was a particularly happy time of my life , but I can’t quite remember except for the song .

Almost every time the word Friday crosses my brain , this one pops in , and I don’t fight it at all , because I find the song so light and uplifting .

All this Friday talk came about because I have been entertaining – for a while now – the idea of sharing with you here one or two new (to me) blogs that caught my eyes during the week .

I am thinking that Fridays would be the best day for that and I promise I will not make you listen to The Cure every time .

For your weekend reading / browsing / peeking into , or whatever is your liking I invite you to go over to  Aloada Bobbins – A Face Full o’Fads . There you will  meet funny and witty  Haylee  musing about all that captures her interest – and almost everything does .

She writes short stories , muses about what happens in her world , and also covers entertainment , photography , and food .

Haylee  is taking a short break over the holidays to enjoy them , and will get back to entertain us with new posts as soon as her batteries are recharged she says ; which is actually good for us so we will have time to go through everything she has already published in the short life of her blog , before her creativity gets loose again .

I do hope you enjoy it .

Have a great weekend

Turtle Hugs 🙂

18 thoughts on “As it is a Friday , and it’s Fridays I’m in Love

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