On Playing with Monkeys and Watermarking Photos

On my hello people I’m still here post yesterday I mentioned that I had been trying to learn how to add words or a little watermark to my photos .

My learning process is a very slow one , not only because I am so afraid of messing something up if I click the wrong button or option , but also because when I have any doubts they’ll have to wait for my youngest one to be home so I can request her assistance  ( and when she is , I either forgot what I wanted to ask or we do have so many other more interesting things calling for our attention , that my computer lessons are put on the side burner ) .

And then I learn by doing . Doubt , lesson , do , doubt , redo by myself , wash and repeat , until it is finally acquired , which can take quite awhile .

Around a month ago TheDogRules  made a post with a tutorial on adding a watermark to photos and I bookmarked it for later “study” .

Then my daughter gave me a flash lesson  ( oh yes , it was a flash one I can tell you , a few minutes with her fingers flying all over the keyboard , do this than that than you go here and do like this go back there do it again  – that was my lesson , no time to take notes or do it along her , and that is how I learn ) on how to use some of the features on PicMonkey .

And so I played a bit , lost myself and panicked for awhile , but finally got something mildly resembling a watermark on some photos .

All this talk to tell you ( the newbies like me , and not tech inclined ) that if I could do it you can too . Even if you don’t want to watermark your photos – and I still don’t really see the point in doing so – it is a good exercise for adding lettering to pictures and playing around with the monkey .

If you would like to give it a try , and get to know another dog lover blogger in the process you will find it here .

And now I’ve got to go and play some more .

Turtle Hugs 🙂

51 thoughts on “On Playing with Monkeys and Watermarking Photos

  1. I loved this and your lesson! I always say wait wait what? as they quickly type away and click and then wow there it is lovely! My kids always ask me “How did you get to this place we have never seen this area” I click buttons and they don’t know how to get back to where we were. Take it easy turtle and have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Turtle, I love this post. I can so relate. I am very techno challenged. It takes me a month of Sunday’s to do anything, with a lot of frustrations, blah blah blah…but I am determined, so eventually get there. Oh, and I too have those flash courses, in a blink of an eye lid, it is over, done, tick and vanish ….
    I am going to pin and bookmark your outlets and will absolutely put on my TO DO List 🙂 . Have an awesome day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. turtle, I have no idea what you are talking about! But I gave you a like anyway, just because you’re you. I did identify with your description of have a lesson from your daughter. That’s the way with the computer whizzes. They forget to tell me I must start the computer first. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I studied computers like waaay back in 1995, so i can consider myself a bit of a newbie to this here Stuff 😀 I have to do things over (yep rinse and repeat!) and i have decided it is ok to post my mistakes or my blog would be empty sometimes. Yay let’s have fun learning!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. You’ll learn all sorts of undos, my friend, and once you’ve learned them all, you’ll hate working with pen and paper, because they don’t let you undo 😀

        Liked by 1 person

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