Muse , madness , and first year

The Daily Post’s one word prompt for today was  Muse .

And if you take a peek here , you will be able to read very interesting takes on this theme .

But as some of you are already tired of knowing by now , I have this switch button on my head where a word prompts a song , and to the word muse this is what came up

 which is totally appropriate as madness is what abounds around here and what has been going on for a year now .


Yes  TheTurtleWay  is one year old  today  🙂

It was on the distant Aug.03rd of 2015 that I “attended” my first lesson on Blogging 101 , and really it still amazes me how I managed to put out that first post .

More amazing yet was :  that post was read and had 1 like on its first day 😉 and I went : “oh! it’s real , it’s out there , people can read me”  😉

Did I believe I would still be around here one year later ? I did hope I would be , but I doubted it , I thought this would prove such a difficult task for tech-challenged me that I would have to give it up .

Did I learn to write well , to take and post amazing photographs , to have a beautiful blog like those that inspired me to start blogging ? (like I wrote on it) . No , I did not , yet .

I’m still learning and probably the thrill of learning is one of the reasons that I’m still here , even if I am evolving at a much slower pace than I imagined I would .

So what ? it’s my Turtle pace 🙂


The other reason I’m still here ?

You my dear Turtlies  .

Without your support and your friendship I would probably have called it quits a long time ago .

But you help me in so many ways that you have no idea , and you teach me and make me think and make me laugh .

And reading all of you is like taking a trip around the world , meeting so many fantastic yous , and learning about different ways of living and approaching life’s challenges .

So thank you all for walking (slowly) along with me throughout this first blogging year .

Let’s see if you can get me running next 🙂

Thank You and Turtle Hugs ❤

PS : this post almost didn’t happen today because I couldn’t make it  “the perfect bloganniversary post” but  Never a Dull Bling  just posted something today that was just what I needed (as I have this tendency of not doing if I can’t do it “right” 😦  ) to hear 🙂

PS 2 : not a perfect post , but the best I could today , and the anniversary is today , not when I have the “perfect” conditions . The Turtle is learning 🙂

65 thoughts on “Muse , madness , and first year

  1. I just wanted to apologize for accidentally erasing a comment that you left on my post yesterday. I should know better than to try to comment back on my iPhone. It just doesn’t work! I appreciated your comment, so in essence…thanks for stopping by:-).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad I found you, it’s fun hearing from someone from my land of my fathers! You’re doing beautifully and yes, one year does almost feel miraculous after the doubts of even setting out on blogland. I loved the clip, specially as the stadium is in my neighbourhood, just a short walk away 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, real life events (not just the Coliseum et al) and real local neighbourhoods are a better way of visiting: and if you or any of your friends come to town, I rent for short stays 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. So glad I’ve connected with you Turtle and as far as I can tell the Turtle has come a long way in a year. Congrats to you and happy blogging to you as we continue this journey together … whether we’re plodding, walking or running. Love the song too. Hugs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yay! Happy Blogiversary!! I’m so happy I found you and The Turtle Way!! Wanna hear something funny? My post today was a total, last-minute post, not planned at all. I’m so glad it reached out to you, especially as I don’t believe in coincidences, ;). Anyway, you need a piece of cake and some ice cream to celebrate! Go get a treat… you deserve it!!

    Liked by 1 person

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